Das Veranstaltungsportal des DN e.V.



Friday, January 17, 2025

7:00 p.m.        Welcome and opening of the congress

                         Get together and dinner buffet


Saturday, January 18, 2025


9:00 a.m.        Introduction

                         Prof. Dr. Bernd Hohenstein, Nephrologisches Zentrum Villingen-Schwenningen

                         PD Dr. Georg Schlieper, Dialysezentrum Hannover


9:15 a.m.       Diabetic Kidney Disease

                        Prof. Dr. Jan Menne

                        KRH Klinikum Siloah, Hannover (Germany)


10:45 a.m.      Coffee break

11:00 a.m.     Chronic kidney disease and dialysis

                         Prof. Dr. Tammy Lisa Sirich, MD, FASN

                         Stanford University, Stanford (USA)

12:45 p.m.     Lunch break

2:00 p.m.       Glomerular diseases

                        Prof. Dr. Mario Schiffer

                        Uniklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany)

3:30 p.m.      Coffee break

3:50 p.m.      Kidney transplantation

                       Prof. Dr. Roland Schmitt

                       University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany)

Sunda y, January 19, 2025

09:30 a.m.   AKI and Critical Care

                      Prof. Dr. Michael Heung, MD, FASN

                      University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)

11:00 a.m.   Coffee break

11:15 a.m.   Hypertension and cardio-renal diseases

                      Prof. Dr. Jordana Cohen, MD, MSCE, FASN

                      University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)

12:45  p.m.  Lunch


The lectures in English will be translated simultaneously.